Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator
Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator

pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator
  1. Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator mod#
  2. Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator full#
  3. Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator download#

Note2: Only catchable at Hauoli Cemetery, Memorial Hill and Abandoned Mart. Note1: Misdreavus and Mismagius learn slightly different moves. Added Alolan Misdreavus and Mismagius (Ghost/Normal) Abilities: Pressure/Prankster/HA Levitate When you get to this part, do either of these three methods:ġ) Get an unofficial build of Citra, which people like to call, Chinese build CitraĢ) Use the save files provided to skip the Alola Photo Club part.ģ) Using PKHeX, edit the save file, edit flag 470, change the value from 8600 to 8700 (for Alola Photo Club)

pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator mod#

This mod is using Ultra Moon as base, and version-exclusive cutscenes/dialogues/npcs are not fully edited/supported.Īlola Photo Club and Pokemon League / Hall of Fame will crash the game on some Citra builds. But in doing so you will not see edited overworld models, environment, and wild pokemon encounter. If you dont know what youre doing, seek the tutorials around gbatemp.Ī083 garc will crash the game.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator

Might not work with 3DSBuilder and GodMode9. I unpacked and repacked everything using HackingToolkit3DS. Just copy paste the ExtractedRomFS folder.

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator download#

This download contains edited GARCS, music, SAVE FILES, installation notes and some icons if you wanna make your own banner.

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator full#

Meant to be used with CITRA emulator for full experience. Pokemon Star is made using Pokemon Ultra Moon as its base! Just catch them in the wild.įeeding Ultra Malasada to certain Pokemon will evolve it into its Totem form.Īlso Carbink can now evolve into Diancie. Eevee doesnt learn these in some versions. Guzzlord = Alolan Muk + Swallow (learnt naturally at level 50)īlacephalon = Alolan Electrode + Mimikyu in partyĪbility: Sturdy / Analytic Also, all Pokemons who require trades or held items to evolve now evolve mostly via level ups!Įeevee evolves into Spookeon when levelling up while learning Shadow Ball v0.1D+ (learnt at lv25,35 and 45).Įeevee evolves into Splatooneon when levelling up while learning Octazooka v0.1D+ (learnt at lv25,35 and 45). Nihilego = Tentacool + A Pokemon with Drought in your partyĬelesteela = Alolan Diglett + Flame Charge Various Alola Pokemon have their movesets improved. Phione, the Therians and Shaymin, among others can be captured in the wild. Latios, Entei, Meloetta, Zeraora and other legendaries/mythicals have reduced stats due to their availability during regular playthrough.Īll UBs except for Lunalas, Solgaleos, Necrozmas, Poipole and Naganadel now have reduced stats due to their core involvement in the game. Regular Necrozma can use Guardian of Alola, while Totem Necrozma can use Light that Burns the Sky. Necrozma's typing is changed into Dragon/Psychic. Poipole now learns Dragon Pulse at Level 30 and 40. Her sunshine form is now her default form. Necrozma-Lunala and Necrozma-Solgaleo now replaces regular Lunala and Solgaleo for story and cutscene purposes.įarfetch'd, Swellow, Gardevoir, Combee, Wimpod and some other Pokemon now have better stats and movesets.Īlolan Muk now learns Swallow at Level 50 for evolution purposes.Ĭherrim's typing is changed into Grass/Fire. Solgaleo replaces Murkrow forcutscene purposes. Lunala replaces Cosmoem for cutscene purposes. Necrozma now replaces Kommo-o for Totem size / cutscene purposes. Kommo-o now replaces Jangmo-o for cutscene purposes. Kartana and Lurantis are swapped for Totem size / cutscene purposes. Xurkitee and Togedemaru are swapped for Totem size / cutscene purposes. Nihilego and Araquanid are swapped for Totem size / cutscene purposes. Rattata 2 and Raticate 2 are replaced into Rattata 1 and Raticate 1 slots for cutscene purposes. Shellos and Gastrodon are swapped with Voltorbs and Electrodes. Rattata 1, Raticate 1, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Chinchurn, Lanturn, Natu, Xatu, Aibom, Ambipom, Pineco, Forretress, Snubbul, Granbul, Remoraid, Octillery, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Delibird, Dunsparce, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Luvdisc, Trubish, Garbodor, Lilliepup, Herdier, Stoutland, Shellos 2, Gastrodon 2, Lycanroc 1, Jangmo-o, Ribombee Normal Size are replaced with the '''new''' Pokemon / for cutscene purposes. Ultra Rowlet, Litten.Ultra Brionne (Same Typings) UB-Lunar(Ice/Ghost) - Catchable at Red Wormhole UB-Solar (Fire/Steel) - Catchable at Yellow Wormhole

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds emulator